융자지식 272-5.4 Completing the Loan Application

융자지식 272-5.4 Completing the Loan Application

Section III – “Borrower Information” – asks for the applicant’spersonal information. If the applicant
has lived in his/her home for less than two (2) years, residency information must be provided for the
past two years. Contact information for the applicant is also necessary.
The applicant must provide personal information including social security number, age and number
of dependents. Age is requested because the applicant must be of age to execute a contract.

Section IV – “Employment Information” – is for the applicant’s current and/or two-year employment
history. If the applicant has not been at his/her current job for two years or more, he/she must
provide information on employment for the past two years. If the applicant is self-employed, this
must also be specified.

Section V – “Monthly Income and Combined Housing Expense Information” – covers the information
required to calculate an applicant’s front and back debt-to-income ratios.

Section VI – “Assets and Liabilities” – addresses the applicant’s assets and liabilities.

Section VII – “Details of Transaction” – is for specific information about the proposed transaction.
The transaction information section is used to display how much money the borrower will need in
order to get the loan to closing.

Section VIII – “Declarations” – contains questions regarding judgments, citizenship, default status,
occupancy status and other questions that may affect the underwriting of the loan and may result in
additional conditions or immediate rejection of the loan.

Section IX – “Acknowledgment and Agreement” – allows applicants to affirm that they understand
the purpose of the loan application and that it is a binding agreement. Applicants are required to sign
this section and certify that all information contained in the 1003 is true and correct to the best of
their knowledge. The applicant should be made aware that his/her failure to truthfully complete the
application could result in civil liability or criminal prosecution for mortgage fraud.

Section X – “Information for Government Reporting Purposes” – is related to Government statistics.
The section is referred to as the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Section. It requests
information regarding race, sex and national origin.

None of this information can be used to discriminate against the borrower, and it is at the applicant’s
discretion whether he/she completes this section. If the applicant decides not to furnish this
information, it will be up to the loan originator to make an “educated guess” concerning the
demographic information to report to the government (only in regards to face-to-face applications;
not internet, mail or telephone).
Applicants must be made aware of the status of their loan application in writing within 30 days of the
date of application (according to Regulation B – ECOA). Evidence of this notification must be kept in
the loanfile.
If information is missing from the application, the originator should make an effort to notify the
borrower immediately and allow them a reasonable amount of time to provide missing information.
All applicants must be made aware of the status of their application in writing within 30 days of the
date of the application. Evidence of this notification must be kept in the loan file.
Incomplete Application/Adverse Action: If the applicant submits an incomplete loan application,
under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), the loan originator is required to either send out a
notice of incompleteness or an Adverse Action Notice to the applicant. The request to complete
missing information can be given either verbally or in writing. However, if the applicant does not
respond in an appropriate amount of time to a verbal request, the request must be given in writing.


융자지식 271-5.4 Completing the Loan Application-Section II – “Property Information and Purpose of Loan” 

융자지식 271-5.4 Completing the Loan Application-Section II – “Property Information and Purpose of Loan”

Section II – “Property Information and Purpose of Loan” – is used to designate information concerning
the property address and how the loan proceeds will be used. The property address for the loan
collateral is the address that will be connected to the loan. The address may be different from the
applicant’s primary address. The property address must include the city, state and zip code.
Designation of the property type – a single-family home or a multi-unit – is disclosed here. This
section also requires the applicant to state:
• The year of construction of the property
• The purpose of the loan (how the borrower plans to use the loan proceeds)
• The type of property (primary residence, second home, investment property)
• Year of acquisition (when was the borrower added to the title)
• Original cost,
• Existing loan amounts
• Value of the property
• Names currently on title
• How the title will be held (joint tenancy, tenancy in common or single tenancy)

융자지식 270-5.4 Completing the Loan Application-Section I

융자지식 270-5.4 Completing the Loan Application-Section I

Section I – “Mortgage and Terms of Loan” section. This section allows borrowers to choose the type
of loan for which they are applying. There are specific boxes on the loan application for each loan type
that must be checked. Borrowers will also fill out the loan amount that they are requesting.
The agency case number box is designated for the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the Veterans
Administration (VA) or Farmer’s Home Administration (FmHA) case numbers. There is also a section
for the lender’s case numbers.

섹션 I – “모기지 및 대출 조건” 섹션. 이 섹션에서는 차용인이 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다.
그들이 신청하는 대출의. 각 대출 유형에 대한 대출 신청서에 특정 상자가 있습니다.
확인해야 하는 것입니다. 차용자들은 또한 그들이 요청하는 대출 금액을 기입할 것입니다.
에이전시 케이스 번호 상자는 연방 주택 관리국(FHA), 재향 군인을 위해 지정됩니다.
행정부(VA) 또는 Farmer’s Home Administration(FmHA) 사례 번호. 행정부(VA) 또는 Farmer’s Home Administration(FmHA) 사례 번호. 대출 기관의 케이스 번호 섹션도 있습니다.

융자지식 269-5.4 Completing the Loan Application

융자지식 269-5.4 Completing the Loan Application

5.4 Completing the Loan Application
The Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) or 1003 – intended to be completed by the borrower
with the assistance of the loan originator. Applications may be in writing or electronic. Typical forms
• Fannie Mae Form 1003
• Freddie Mac Form 65
The purpose of the application interview with the potential borrower is to capture information to
complete the loan application. This may take place in a face-to-face meeting, over the phone or even
over the internet.
The URLA has ten sections that a MLO is to complete for each loan applicant during the origination
• Type of Mortgage and Term of Loan
•Property Information and Purpose of Loan
•Borrower Information
•Employment Information
•Monthly Income and Combined Housing Expense Information
• Assets andLiabilities
• Details ofTransactions
•Acknowledgement and Agreement
•Information for Government Monitoring

융자지식 268- Application Information and Requirements

융자지식 268-5.3 Application Information and Requirements

5.3 Application Information and Requirements
Once a purchase agreement is executed (or once a decision is made to refinance), the loan originator
and the borrower meet to complete a loan application (or complete one over the phone or Internet).
The application is referred to as the Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) – also called “the
1003,” as it is Fannie Mae’s form number 1003. Form 65 is a similar form created by FreddieMac.
The Uniform Underwriting and Transmittal Summary, or the 1008, is submitted with the file for
underwriting. It contains a summary of the loan including borrower information, ratios, LTV, credit
score, appraised value, loan type, etc.
In conjunction with the loan application, the borrower should be made aware of the FBI Mortgage
Fraud Warning Notice, which includes the following language:
Mortgage Fraud is investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and is punishable by
up to 30 years in federal prison or $1,000,000, or both. It is illegal for a person to make any
false statement regarding income, assets, debt, or matters of identification, or to willfully
overvalue any land or property, in a loan and credit application for the purpose of influencing
in any way the action of a financial institution.
Borrower/Customer – Each borrower associated with a mortgage loan application must answer
questions accurately and truthfully. Concealing, adjusting or withholding any material facts that may
affect the application constitutes mortgage fraud. A fact is considered “material” if knowledge of that
fact would lead a lender to consider a different course of action on the application.
A lender will provide financing based on information provided in a borrower’s loan application. If a
lender determines any information is inaccurate and untruthful, it may result in the lender approving
a loan that it would otherwise not provide. Borrowers who provide inaccurate information may be
guilty of “fraud for property” and could be subject to both civil and or criminal penalties.

The borrower(s) signs and dates the application.
Co-Borrowers – Someone who signs the note along with primary borrower and accepts joint
obligation to repay. A co-borrower must have acceptable credit/assets and if no joint
assets/liabilities, two applications should be used.
Loan Originator – The core of the mortgage loan originator’s job is to obtain a complete and accurate
1003 supported by documentation from the borrower. The Loan Originator assists the borrower in
completing the loan application and collects the necessary documentation to validate information
provided on theapplication.
The application is designed to be completed by the borrower, with the loan originator assisting in data
input. A Mortgage Loan Originator is required to accurately document all information a borrower
provides during the interview process without leading or coaching borrowers on their answers. The
Mortgage Loan Originator signs and dates the application.
Application Accuracy and Truthfulness – Each borrower must declare that the information in the
application is truthful and whether the borrower:
• Is obligated to pay alimony or child support
• Has any outstanding judgments, bankruptcies, foreclosures , etc.
• Has borrowed any part of the down payment
• Is a co-signer on any other debt
• Is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
• Intends to occupy the property as a primary residence
The borrower and co-borrower must date and sign the application to acknowledge that they
have answered everything truthfully and that they understand and agree to be bound by the
terms of the loan, if granted. Additionally, borrowers are obligated to update any material
changes to income or assets after signing the initial application and prior to dosing.
Mortgage loan originators also have an obligation for accuracy and truthfulness because they are
required to assist borrowers with completion of the application.
Verification and Documentation – A borrower’s net worth is determined by subtracting liabilities
from total assets. In other words, it’s the value of all property (real and personal) a person has
accumulated after subtracting all debts or obligations owed. Underwriters want to confirm the
borrower has:
• Sufficient assets and personal money to make the down payment on the
property and to pay closing costs without having to borrow.
• Adequate reserves to cover two months of PITI mortgage payments after
making a down payment and paying dosing costs.
• Other assets, showing an ability to manage money and a resource, if needed,
to handle emergencies and make mortgage payments.
For the down payment, lenders:
• Want to know the source of the buyer’s down payment (which usually cannot be borrowed
funds or gifts) for the first 5% for conventional loans.

• May require two months of bank statements and/or a Verification of Deposit (VOD) form.
• May require a gift letter signed by the donor to confirm the money does not
need to be repaid and donor bank statement showing that the gift funds are

융자지식 267-Pre-Qualification or Pre-Approval

융자지식 267-Pre-Qualification or Pre-Approval

5.2 Pre-Qualification or Pre-Approval
Pre-qualification is not the same as Pre-approval. Pre-qualification is merely a determination of the
amount a person might be able to borrow. Pre-approval is a determination made by a lender that a
borrower can actually be financed for a given amount of money. Pre-approval involves an actual credit
determination and Pre-qualification does not.

Pre-qualification – MLO reviews the borrower history to determine if they are likely to get approved
for a loan, and approximate loan amount.
• Does not guarantee approval; not binding
• Done by any MLO
• Does not require disclosure

Pre-approval. Lender uses an application to determine that potential borrowers can be financed for a
certain amount for a specific property; done only by a lender.
• Rendering a credit decision; may be binding
• Only done by a lender
• Triggers mandate disclosures with completed applications